wild herbal series
a la carte herbal & foraging classes

So What is the Wild Herbal Series?
This 11 month program is an intensive HANDS ON approach to learning herbalism, mycology, foraging and medicine-making.
By learning through doing, I find retention of knowledge sticks better! We always have fun while learning. Much of the course is outside in the fields and the woods of Bella Vista Farm as well as other farm properties. Class will meet January through November.
Each month will have a strong focus on learning what is growing in season and we will make foods and medicine every month. Some month may have themes if the group has a particular skill we need to focus more time on.
We meet for one weekend a month. ****You can purchase one class or all 11 for a discount!!****
Community is a big part of this course! As you work with your fellow foragers, you form strong new bonds with them creating lasting relationships. JUST like with the plants and mushrooms we meet!!
I teach through a Christian perspective as God has provided this abundance of wild food and medicine for us. Every household once used plants found right outside their door for every day cooking and remedies. Let's bring it back to EVERY household again!
Dates for 2025 - - - - - - - - - - -
Most classes will be at The Portico Study Center in Good Hope, GA
Tree Identification and Tree Medicine -January 25-26
Immune System - Food as Medicine - February 22-23
TBD - March 22-23
TBD - April 12-13
TBD -May 24-25
TBD - June 28-29
TBD- July 26-27
TBD - August 23-24
TBD - September 27-28
TBD - October 18-19
TBD - November 22-23
*Learning each month together helps to solidify your herbal knowledge
PLEASE check the events page for the individual classes or click register now for all 11 weekends!
Cost for all 11 classes is $1650 for one time payment
or $165/month recurring charge.
Click the Register Now Button above.
"Foragers naturally connect with the mostly weedy and non-native invasives. Foraging is about recognizing abundance and knowing what to do with it. " Galloway Wild Foods
In this course we cover
Salves, Soaps & Lotions